Don't Leave

Mom, don't go to Brooklyn. I don't like Brooklyn.

The Noah Report

Every day we hear about Noah, and what he did at school that day.

Rig reports: "Noah kicked me."
We ask: "Why?"
Rig answers: "Because the chair is a big bad giant."

Getting Scared, clarifying fears

The big-bad-giant is a big-bad-wolf-ogre-giant.

Not feeling well

I asked Rig what hurts. He said, "My toys." I said, "Does your stomach hurt? Does your throat hurt?" He reported that his mouth hurt. I said, "What helps? Water?" He said, "No, popcorn."

Curious about a mark on the counter

What is that, pee? poo? paint? g0-go? play-doh? What is it? Milk? What is that??

Common Sense

The house can't go to school because it has to stay home.

Upon seeing a picture of Ryan V:

Oh, he's my best friend.

When speaking to MoJo:

Sweetie Pie? I'm not a sweetie pie!

Back Blog: November 2008

Guys, don't punch grandma in the face.

February 16, 2009

I'm not Spiderman, I don't even like soccer.

Back Blog of Funny Rig Comments

  • Ca-bause- an excuse for anything, a mispronuciation of 'because'