Mojo and Eddie Come to Town

We messed up Mojo's birthday, but otherwise it was a great weekend with the family.

"Up" is the greatest movie ever.

Tomorrow we are heading to Delaware for Rig's first visit to the Atlantic. We bought buckets and shovels and plan to build a sandcastle. Rigby has requested we try to build a monster truck when we get to the ocean and "not go in the deep deep water because of all of the raps."

The lobster at the grocery really scare him. He thinks they are 'raps (he thinks he is saying 'crabs') and he also thinks that if you go to the ocean a sharp (shark) or a 'rap (crab) will get his feet.

To think he comes up with this without watching television.

And then the Hyten boys showed up!

The guys have arrived and my quiet, minimalist apartment is now loud, sticky and filled with blocks, books and boxes. But we are three, once again!

If you show up late, you don't get eggs. (And other lessons learned from a Saturday morning in the park.)

I wasn't there to see it, but Eric and Rig showed up a few minutes late to an Easter egg hunt and there were no eggs to be found. Rig still made a few tackes, punted some poor child's ball to who knows where, and took off on a stolen Big Wheel.